Naturopath Brooklyn, NY : Eric Levinson CNHP
Eric Levinson, Naturopath Brooklyn, NY, CNHP
"Optimizing Brain Health with Nutrition, Advanced BioStructural Correction™, and Higher Brain Living®"
Welcome! You Finally Found a Doctor to Fix Your Body!
Have you struggled with fatigue, insomnia, digestive disorders, or other symptoms that seem unresponsive to other therapies?
Eric Levinson focuses on QRA, Advanced BioStructural Correction, and Higher Brain Living as natural, alternative options to help with weight loss and posture and increased brain activity, all contributing to improved health.
These techniques can also alleviate pain in back, neck, knee and headaches.
Eric’s belief is that it doesn't matter what your symptoms or diagnosis, when you get back to eating right and address the causative factors, you can get healthy!
For more information and to schedule an intake consultation, call Eric at 917-408-3048 or submit the form below and you will be contacted shortly.